Did you know that Jurong Frog Farm is the only local producer of Hashima 雪蛤; and that this ingredient has been proven to contain anti-aging properties?
In commemoration of our nation’s 52nd Birthday, JFF is offering 10 bottles of Premium Hashima with American Ginseng at only $52! (u.p. $72). This special offer applies to the entire month of August!!
*Packaging of the 10 bottles comes in a green recycle bag.
Celebrate Chinese New Year 2017 鸡年 with JFF 田鸡! 鸡鸡利利!
Check out our JFF CNY Family Special @ $88.80 (worth $100!) Perfect for your reunion dinner!
Sourcing for Fresh Produce straight from the farm this Chinese New Year?
JFF delivers our FRESH & LOCAL FARM PRODUCE directly to you this Chinese New Year (28 Jan – 30 Jan 2017)!
We have 2 new products specially indented for this CNY, Fish Maw & Fresh White Tiger Shrimps!
Place your orders before the 26th Jan 2017 by calling or SMS to 9763 9077.
Alternatively you may visit our website at https://jurongfrogfarm.com.sg/shop/
Fish Maw @ $13.65/100g
One of Chinese New Year must have! Fish Maw is one of the most valuable Chinese ingredients due to its high nutritional and collagen content. For the Chinese, it is considered one of the big four precious traditional delicacies of the sea: abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin and fish maw. The rich nutrients is known to be good for skin and complexion. 年年有余!天天美丽!
Fresh White Tiger Shrimps @ $73.35/2kg
White Tiger Shrimps are well sought after for their smooth and sweet flesh. It can be used with steamboats, or stir-fried with vegetables.
Place your orders before the 26th Jan 2017 by calling or SMS to 9763 9077.
Alternatively visit us @ The Royal Frog Shop Online.
Happy New Year! 2016 was definitely a tough ride for Jurong Frog Farm. We will not just stop at these and continue to adapt as we leap into a new year in 2017. Thank you, everyone, for your support! Join us as we say goodbye to another great year and welcome in another chapter in this journey as we continue to embark upon 2017. See our favourite moments, big milestones and celebrations compiled together in one!
JFF will be participating in Kranji Countryside Farmers’ Market for the 2nd time, and this time, we’ll have new activities for kids (or even adults) @ The Kids Corner, an ongoing online photo contest, and there will be a new food item added to our EXOTIC menu!! The Farmers’ Market will be held at Gardenasia (Nyee Phoe), and there will be a shuttle bus from Yew Tee MRT (bus stop) that goes directly there at timed intervals (timings will be shown in the bus schedule below). It will be $2 for a two-way trip there and back (cash collection upon arrival), and free rides for children below 12 years old and seniors above 60 years old. A KCFM volunteer will be stationed at the bus stop holding the Farmers’ Market poster, so gather around that area to board the bus! If you’re travelling by car or any other form of transport, please refer to this website for the exact location of Gardenasia.
KCFM bus schedule
This is the list of our products and food items and the promotions. Our new food item on the menu will be the venison satay, so be sure to try it WHILE STOCKS LAST!!
Fresh Frog Legs (500gm) @ $15/bag. Promotion: Buy 4 get 1 ice box free
Frozen Venison Flanksteak @ $37.50/kg (Prices vary according to weight)
Red Date Sauce @ $4.20/bottle
Venison satay @ $5/satay
Yummy Deep Fried Frog Meat @ $5/skewer
Crocodile Tail Nuggets @ $5/skewer
Royal Hashima Dessert @ $5/bowl
Crocodile meat skewer
Premium Hashima Box
Hashima bottles
Dried Hashima
Frog Legs
Venison Flanksteak
Red date sauce
Deep fried frog meat skewer
Hashima dessert
Our activity at the KIDS CORNER is called ‘1 Minute to Net It’ @ a nominal charge of $2/participant. For this activity, there will be a large tank filled with water and tadpoles & frogs in different stages of metamorphosis. The 4 metamorphosis stages will be: Tadpole without hindlegs/forearms, Tadpole with hindlegs only, Tadpole with hindlegs AND forearms, Froglet. The participant has to group the different stages of frogs into the tanks provided in the correct order within a minute. ‘Tadpole without hindlegs/forearms’ will be the first stage and ‘Froglet’ will be the last. If you complete this activity successfully, you’ll win a Royal Frog Badge as a prize!! Please note that this activity might require you to get your hands wet.
1 Minute to Net It!!
Tadpole nets
Our prize: Royal Frog Badge!!
Our next activity is the online photo contest which we call ‘Eat It Like You Own It’. To participate, take a photo of your best expression while eating one of our frog/crocodile meat skewers or venison satays, then post it on Instagram or our Facebook wall and be sure to hashtag both ‘#eatitlikeyouownit‘ & ‘#jurongfrogfarm‘. The photo with the most number of likes will stand to win a mystery gift, so be sure to get all your friends to like your photo after posting it up!! Here are some photo examples by our very own JFF staff (and dog!):
Our JFF’s Froglette
Our JFF’s Frogician
Even our farm dog, Papi, joins in the fun!!
Lastly, if there are any enquiries about the JFF booth at Kranji Countryside Farmers’ Market or any enquires about Jurong Frog Farm at all, please send them to our email address ‘sales@jurongfrogfarm.com.sg‘, or contact us at 6791 7229 during operating hours! Hope to see all of you at the JFF’s booth at Farmers’ Market!! 🙂
12 more hours to the opening of World Food Fair 2013 happening at Singapore Expo 2013 where JFF is participating for the first time in Hall 4, Booth H12!
We are very excited to meet the people of the east!! Come dressed in green (or not) to enjoy a sample cup of chilled refreshing Royal Hashima Dessert* on us from tomorrow, Thursday to Sunday from 11-10pm!
We are happy to announce the launch of our new product line of our Premium Grade Hashima with American ginseng.
JFF Hashima contains 18 kinds of amino acids which contribute to protein content up to 52.6% (mainly collagen protein), fat 4%, minerals 4.7% and almost no cholesterol.
JFF Premium Hashima is specially handpicked for its premium quality and is 100% processed and manufactured locally without any use of artificial flavouring, colouring and preservatives.
Hashima is commonly consumed for the benefits as below:
ü Improving skin complexion.
ü Rich in epidermal growth factor that can promote cell division, delicate white skin, cell regeneration
ü Contains small amount of natural hormones which is beneficial to human testosterone, estradiol and progesterone
ü Replenishing vital essence in the lungs, kidneys,
ü Prescribed to treat respiratory symptoms such as coughing and night sweats due to tuberculosis.
As a launch offer from now till end of this year, we are offering a free Bottle of Premium Hashima with every purchase of a box (contains 4 bottles) at $28.80 nett each.
We are also extending a FOC Home/ office delivery service with a minimum purchase of 4 Boxes together with this launch offer.
This is a perfect choice of gift for all your loved ones, friends or colleagues for Christmas or Chinese New Year next year. It is always good to know that you will not only be enjoying this Premium product knowing that it is 100% Singapore Safe with assurance of its quality and taste but also be supporting a local business!
The new intern JJ who has just joined us on the 30/8/11, asked me what kind of responses i would expect out of the new market project ( will be talked about in a separate posting) which we will be diving into this week. i shrugged and said, any response would be good. If not this marketing effort would at the very least spread the news to the receiving ends of the email that JFF existed and is very much alive and happening!
From previous experiences (8, 9 years ago), when i started peddling packets of dried snow jelly to the medical halls. I get snubbed by all the chinese TCM educated grey hair folks. Some of them were vehemently insisted that my product is a fake (!!??!). I spent weeks and months, travelling to their medical halls with cooked and raw but soaked samples for them asking them to try for themselves to see the difference. I was SUPER enthusiastic, they were much less interested. Out of the 25 shops i visited, only 7 eventually agreed to put our products on consignment. To date, only 3 of them still maintained an account with us. The shops that i subsequently gave up on, placed our products behind closed cupboards.. or underneath stacks of other brands of dried snow jelly.
” Its ok that you do not want to sell my snow jelly. I have 100% faith in my products and you ought to have some respect for it!.”
Bottomline is to manage your expectation but full conviction on your product!
4th day of snow jelly trial and no pimples in sight despite my lousy eating habits these days! Great news!
Yesterday KY watsapped me as she was confused by my previous postings about the handling of the snow jelly. Would like to clarify here that the dried snow jelly itself is already cooked by heating and naturally preserved by drying. To use the snow jelly as a ready to use ingredient, you will have to soak the dried sj in water first overnight, boil it to sterilize this ingredient for at least 15 mins. You may break up the pieces into smaller morsels with a fork. Take note that sj is fully expanded when it is translucent and if your sj looks opaque, u r not using it to the full capacity!
KY n I also kinda concluded that the recipe on Day 2 probably works better with warm milk. She even offered another recipe with Almond paste which I’ll def experiment soon. as today is my off day I am quite reluctant to cook. So I’m offering this recipe which the product we are also selling at the farm. The inspiration of this recipe came after a visit to a friends Chinese restaurant which serves up jelly in champagne flutes! adding some collagen to it should be complimentary to both the taste n nutritional value!
1. Boil chrysanthemum flowers for 10 mins to 2.5L of water.
2. Sieve out the flowers n residues.
3. Add in Soaked Snow Jelly, wolf berries, red dates n ginseng to the boiling chrysanthemum tea. Put to boil for another 25 minutes
5. Lastly, add in 1 packet of Konnyaku jelly powder (some of these packaging comes with sugar in it! if not use the amount of sugar as recommended on the pakaging)
6. Off the fire when the mixture starts to boil. Continue stirring until the powder is completely dissolved in the mixture.
7. Pour it into the moulds when the concoction is less hot. The boiled Chrysanthemum flowers may be added into the moulds as edible garnish.
8. Serve chilled!
You can see how much ‘love’ goes into the making of this product. It is absolutely delicious!! However for some of you non-cooks out there, I would recommend visiting us at the farm n buying this cooked product from the Royal Frog Shop to get an instant fix!