Hello everybody!!
JFF will be participating in Kranji Countryside Farmers’ Market for the 2nd time, and this time, we’ll have new activities for kids (or even adults) @ The Kids Corner, an ongoing online photo contest, and there will be a new food item added to our EXOTIC menu!! The Farmers’ Market will be held at Gardenasia (Nyee Phoe), and there will be a shuttle bus from Yew Tee MRT (bus stop) that goes directly there at timed intervals (timings will be shown in the bus schedule below). It will be $2 for a two-way trip there and back (cash collection upon arrival), and free rides for children below 12 years old and seniors above 60 years old. A KCFM volunteer will be stationed at the bus stop holding the Farmers’ Market poster, so gather around that area to board the bus! If you’re travelling by car or any other form of transport, please refer to this website for the exact location of Gardenasia.
This is the list of our products and food items and the promotions. Our new food item on the menu will be the venison satay, so be sure to try it WHILE STOCKS LAST!!
- Premium Hashima @ $28.80/box. Bundled Promotion: Buy 2 boxes + 1 8gm packet of dried hashima (worth $10!) @ $60
- Selected Dried Hashima (8gm) @ $10/packet. Promotion: Buy 5 get 1 free
- Fresh Frog Legs (500gm) @ $15/bag. Promotion: Buy 4 get 1 ice box free
- Frozen Venison Flanksteak @ $37.50/kg (Prices vary according to weight)
- Red Date Sauce @ $4.20/bottle
- Venison satay @ $5/satay
- Yummy Deep Fried Frog Meat @ $5/skewer
- Crocodile Tail Nuggets @ $5/skewer
- Royal Hashima Dessert @ $5/bowl
Our activity at the KIDS CORNER is called ‘1 Minute to Net It’ @ a nominal charge of $2/participant. For this activity, there will be a large tank filled with water and tadpoles & frogs in different stages of metamorphosis. The 4 metamorphosis stages will be: Tadpole without hindlegs/forearms, Tadpole with hindlegs only, Tadpole with hindlegs AND forearms, Froglet. The participant has to group the different stages of frogs into the tanks provided in the correct order within a minute. ‘Tadpole without hindlegs/forearms’ will be the first stage and ‘Froglet’ will be the last. If you complete this activity successfully, you’ll win a Royal Frog Badge as a prize!! Please note that this activity might require you to get your hands wet.
Our next activity is the online photo contest which we call ‘Eat It Like You Own It’. To participate, take a photo of your best expression while eating one of our frog/crocodile meat skewers or venison satays, then post it on Instagram or our Facebook wall and be sure to hashtag both ‘#eatitlikeyouownit‘ & ‘#jurongfrogfarm‘. The photo with the most number of likes will stand to win a mystery gift, so be sure to get all your friends to like your photo after posting it up!! Here are some photo examples by our very own JFF staff (and dog!):
Lastly, if there are any enquiries about the JFF booth at Kranji Countryside Farmers’ Market or any enquires about Jurong Frog Farm at all, please send them to our email address ‘sales@jurongfrogfarm.com.sg‘, or contact us at 6791 7229 during operating hours! Hope to see all of you at the JFF’s booth at Farmers’ Market!! 🙂
Signing off,